Getting started as a contributor

This brief note would serve as a reference for a developer looking to start-up on the contributing to OpenSDN platform.

PLEASE NOTE: Until 2023, OpenSDN was named “Tungsten Fabric” and before 2019 it had title “OpenContrail”. There are still several references to the old name in the code and other utilities.

1. Prerequisites

Before contributing you will need next accounts:

  1. a GitHub account with publicly available e-mail (Settings -> Public profile -> Public e-mail);

  2. a Gerrit account linked to the GitHub account (using the GitHub account credentials).

2. Git installation and configuration

2.1 Installation of the Git version control system

Next programs will be needed: git command and OpenSSH server. For example, on RPM based systems (CentOS, Fedora, etc) they can be installed with these commands:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install git
sudo yum install git-core
sudo yum install openssh-server

2.2 Generation of an SSH key

If an SSH key was already generated, then this step can be omitted.


ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<[email protected]>" //press "Enter" every time you see question
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Where “<>” corresponds to your GitHub email address.

2.3 Add SSH key to GitHub account

  1. Run GitHub web page in a browser.

  2. Go to profile and select settings.

  3. Choose SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH key.

  4. Give a title for the key in “Title” field.

  5. Copy the public SSH key (for example, obtained from step 2.2):

    cat ~/.ssh/
  6. Paste the public SSH key into “Key” field.

  7. Add SSH key.

  8. Make sure that in GitHub settings in Public profile you have public email (the one you will add to global git config). This is required for the correct operation of the Gerrit (see section 1.1).

3. Setting up Gerrit for committing code changes for a review

Reviewing process is organized using Gerrit system and “git review” command, Ref1, Ref2.

3.1 Setup SSH access

  1. Log into your OpenSDN Gerrit account using via GitHub credentials.

  2. Go to top-right corner -> Settings.

  3. Left panel: SSH Keys -> New SSH key.

  4. Copy the public SSH key from step 2.3.5.

  5. Test the SSH access using your Gerrit account name “sshusername”:

    $ ssh -p 29418 [email protected]
  6. After the execution, you should see:

    **** Welcome to Gerrit Code Review ****
    Hi <sshusername>, you have successfully connected over SSH.
    Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.
    To clone a hosted Git repository, use:
    git clone ssh://
    Connection to hostname closed.

3.2 Pushing code changes for a review

  1. Install git-review utility. For example, on RPM-based systems run the command:

    sudo yum install git-review

    Or it can be installed using pip Ref2:

    sudo pip install git-review
  2. Configure Gerrit:

    git config --global

    where “” is your email address that is publicly visible on your GitHub profile page.

  3. Clone the repo where your changes need to be introduced:

    git clone ssh://

    where “sshusername” is your OpenSDN Gerrit account name and “REPOSITORY_NAME” is the name of an OpenSDN repository (e.g., tf-dev-env, tf-controller, etc). Available OpenSDN repositories are listed here.

  4. Introduce your changes to the source code of the cloned repository.

  5. Commit the changes

    git commit -m "<commit-note>" -s

    “-s” option is needed to sign a commit with your own e-mail and digital signature.

  6. Push the locally committed changes up for review

    git review

    In case of successfull execution of the command, you will see in your terminal:

    remote: SUCCESS

NOTE. If any of the steps above have raised questions you can:

  • create an issue on in the community repository Ref3;

  • discuss your question in the discussions section Ref4;

  • or ask for help in Discord Ref5 or in Telegram Ref6.

4. References

  1. Ref1 : Gerrit Code Review - Email Notifications

  2. Ref2 : gitreview. Installation and Configuration