Updating OpenSDN using the Zero Impact Upgrade Procedure in a Canonical Openstack Deployment with Juju Charms



This document provides the steps needed to update a OpenSDN deployment that is using Canonical Openstack as it’s orchestration platform. The procedure utilizes Juju charms and provides a zero impact upgrade (ZIU) with minimal disruption to network operations.


This document makes the following assumptions about your environment:

  • A OpenSDN deployment using Canonical Openstack as the orchestration platform is already operational.

  • Juju charms for OpenSDN services are active in your environment, and the OpenSDN controller has access to the Juju jumphost and the Juju cluster.

When to Use This Procedure

This procedure is used to upgrade OpenSDN when it is running in environments using Canonical Openstack.

You can use this procedure to incrementally upgrade to the next main OpenSDN release only. This procedure is not validated for upgrades between releases that are two or more releases apart.

The procedure in this document has been validated for the following OpenSDN upgrade scenarios:

Table 1: OpenSDN with Canonical Openstack Validated Upgrade Scenarios

Starting OpenSDN Release

Target Upgraded OpenSDN Release



1912 or 1912.L0









We strongly recommend performing the following tasks before starting this procedure:

  • Backup your current environment.

  • Enable huge pages for the kernel-mode vRouter.

    Starting in OpenSDN Release 2005, you can enable huge pages in the kernel-mode vRouter to avoid future compute node reboots during upgrades. Huge pages in OpenSDN are used primarily to allocate flow and bridge table memory within the vRouter. Huge pages for kernel-mode vRouters provide enough flow and bridge table memory to avoid compute node reboots to complete future OpenSDN software upgrades.

    We recommend allotting 2GB of memory—either using the default 1024x2MB huge page size setting or the 2x1GB size setting—for huge pages. Other huge page size settings should only be set by expert users in specialized circumstances.

    A compute node reboot is required to initially enable huge pages. Future compute node upgrades can happen without reboots after huge pages are enabled. The 1024x2MB huge page setting is configured by default starting in OpenSDN Release 2005, but is not active in any compute node until the compute node is rebooted to enable the setting.

    2GB and 1MB huge page size settings cannot be enabled simultaneously in environments using Juju.

    The huge page configurations can be changed by entering one of the following commands:

    • Enable 1024 2MB huge pages (Default): juju config contrail-agent kernel-hugepages-2m=1024

      Disable 2MB huge pages (empty value): juju config contrail-agent kernel-hugepages-2m=““

    • Enable 2 1GB huge pages: juju config contrail-agent kernel-hugepages-1g=2

      Disable 1GB huge pages (default. empty value): juju config contrail-agent kernel-hugepages-1g=““


      1GB huge page settings can only be specified at initial deployment; you cannot modify the setting in active deployments. The 1GB huge page setting can also not be completely disabled after being activated on a compute node. Be sure that you want to use 1GB huge page settings on your compute node before enabling the setting.

Updating OpenSDN in a Canonical Openstack Deployment Using Juju Charms

To update OpenSDN in an environment that is using Canonical Openstack as the orchestration platform:

  1. Upgrade all charms. See the Upgrading applications document from Juju.

  2. From the Juju jumphost, enter the run-action command to place all control plane services—OpenSDN Controller, OpenSDN Analytics, & OpenSDN AnalyticsDB—into maintenance mode in preparation for the upgrade.

    juju run-action --wait contrail-controller/leader upgrade-ziu


    The –wait option is not required to complete this step, but is recommended to ensure this procedure completes without interfering with the procedures in the next step.

    Wait for all charms to move to the maintenance status. You can check the status of all charms by entering the juju status command.

  3. Update the image tags in Juju for the OpenSDN Analytics, OpenSDN AnalyticsDB, OpenSDN Agent, and OpenSDN OpenStack services.

    juju config contrail-analytics image-tag=master-latest
    juju config contrail-analyticsdb image-tag=master-latest
    juju config contrail-agent image-tag=master-latest
    juju config contrail-openstack image-tag=master-latest

    If a OpenSDN Service node (CSN) is part of the cluster, also update the image tags in Juju for the OpenSDN Service node.

    juju config contrail-agent-csn image-tag=master-latest
  4. Update the image tag in Juju for the OpenSDN Controller service:

    juju config contrail-controller image-tag=master-latest
  5. After updating the image tags, wait for all services to complete stage 5 of the ZIU upgrade process workflow. The wait time for this step varies by environment, but often takes 30 to 90 minutes.

    Enter the juju status command and review the Workload and Message field outputs to monitor progress. The update is complete when all services are in the maintenance state—the Workload field output is maintenance—and each individual service has completed stage 5 of the ZIU upgrade—illustrated by the ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5 output in the Message field.

    A sample output of an in-progress update that has not completed the image tag update process. The Message field illustrates that the ZIU processes have not completed stage 5 of the upgrade.


    Some juju status output fields removed for readability.

    juju status
    Unit                      Workload    Agent     Message
    contrail-analytics/0*     maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/4
    contrail-analytics/1      maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/4
    contrail-analytics/2      maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/4
    contrail-analyticsdb/0*   maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/4
    contrail-analyticsdb/1    maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/3
    contrail-analyticsdb/2    maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/3
    contrail-controller/0*    maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/4
      ntp/3                   active      idle      chrony: Ready
    contrail-controller/1     maintenance executing ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/3
      ntp/2                   active      idle      chrony: Ready
    contrail-controller/2     maintenance idle      ziu is in progress - stage/done = 4/3
      ntp/4                   active      idle      chrony: Ready
    contrail-keystone-auth/0* active      idle      Unit is ready

    A sample output of an update that has completed the image tag update process on all services. The Workload field is maintenance for all services and the Message field explains that stage 5 of the ZIU process is done.


    Some juju status output fields removed for readability.

    juju status
    Unit                      Workload     Agent Message
    contrail-analytics/0*     maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
    contrail-analytics/1      maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
    contrail-analytics/2      maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
    contrail-analyticsdb/0*   maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
    contrail-analyticsdb/1    maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
    contrail-analyticsdb/2    maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
    contrail-controller/0*    maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
      ntp/3                   active       idle  chrony: Ready
    contrail-controller/1     maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
      ntp/2                   active       idle  chrony: Ready
    contrail-controller/2     maintenance  idle  ziu is in progress - stage/done = 5/5
      ntp/4                   active       idle  chrony: Ready
    contrail-keystone-auth/0* active       idle  Unit is ready
    glance/0*                 active       idle  Unit is ready
    haproxy/0*                active       idle  Unit is ready
      keepalived/2            active       idle  VIP ready
    haproxy/1                 active       idle  Unit is ready
      keepalived/0*           active       idle  VIP ready
    haproxy/2                 active       idle  Unit is ready
      keepalived/1            active       idle  VIP ready
    heat/0*                   active       idle  Unit is ready
      contrail-openstack/3    active       idle  Unit is ready
    keystone/0*               active       idle  Unit is ready
    mysql/0*                  active       idle  Unit is ready
    neutron-api/0*            active       idle  Unit is ready
      contrail-openstack/2    active       idle  Unit is ready
    nova-cloud-controller/0*  active       idle  Unit is ready
    nova-compute/0*           active       idle  Unit is ready
  6. Upgrade every Contrail agent on each individual compute node:

    juju run-action contrail-agent/0 upgrade
    juju run-action contrail-agent/1 upgrade
    juju run-action contrail-agent/2 upgrade

    If OpenSDN Service nodes (CSNs) are part of the cluster, also upgrade every OpenSDN CSN agent:

    juju run-action contrail-agent-csn/0 upgrade

    Wait for each compute node and CSN node upgrade to finish. The wait time for this step varies by environment, but typically takes around 10 minutes to complete per node.

  7. If huge pages are not enabled for your vRouter, log into each individual compute node and reboot to complete the procedure.


    A compute node reboot is required to initially enable huge pages. If huge pages have been configured in Juju without a compute node reboot, you can also use this reboot to enable huge pages. You can avoid rebooting the compute node during future software upgrades after this initial reboot.

    1024x2MB huge page support is configured by default starting in OpenSDN Release 2005, which is also the first OpenSDN release that supports huge pages. If you are upgrading to Release 2005 for the first time, a compute node reboot is always required because huge pages could not have been previously enabled.

    This reboot also enables the default 1024x2MB huge page configuration unless you change the huge page configuration in Release 2005 or later.

    sudo reboot

    This step can be skipped if huge pages are enabled.