Understanding OpenSDN quotas



Overview: OpenSDN quotas

Quotas are used to prevent system capacities from being exhausted without notification. Quotas are operational limits.

Quotas are currently enforced at the tenant (or project) level. OpenSDN support quotas for the next resources:

  • Loadbalancer pools

  • Subnets

  • Loadbalancer listeners

  • Networks

  • Network IPAMs

  • Routers

  • Security Group Rules

  • Service Instances

  • Floating IP’s

  • Floating IP pools

  • Loadbalancer Members

  • Ports

  • Policies

  • Loadbalancer Health monitors

  • Virtual IP’s

  • Security Groups

  • Loadbalancers

Quota could be set on a project with WebUI and through the VNC API.

Using OpenSDN quotas with WebUI

WebUI uses a VNC API to set and get project quota settings. To get a current quota usage/limits WebUI counting list of resource

objects for each resource type what could be slow with a large amount of resources.

To get and configure quotas open Configure -> Infrastructure -> Project Settings -> Quotas (opened by default)

Using OpenSDN quotas with Openstack (tf-neutron-plugin)

Openstack (tf-neutron-plugin) uses a VNC API to set and get project quota settings. To get a current quota usage/limits

tf-neutron-plugin counting list of resource objects for each resource what could be slow with a large amount of resources.



List default project quotas

openstack quota show --default  <proj_uuid>

List quota and quota usage

openstack quota list --project <uuid>  --network  --detail

Set project quota

openstack quota set <uuid> --<type>=<value>

Creating resources with quota limits

For each resource per a project, OpenSDN stores quota counter in Zookeeper. When user tries to create a new resource with

applied limits current quota usage will be verified and 412 error will be raised in case of OverQuota. New resource will be

created if quota is verified. Quota rolled back if resource creation failed with any other reasons.

Check current quotas in Zookeeper

The following command could help to check quotas in Zookeeper.

Action | Command

Connect to ZK | bin/zkCli.sh -server <zk_ip>:<zk_port|2181>

Get quota usage (counter

get /vnc_api_server_obj_create/<proj_uuid>/<reource_name>

List resources with a quota counter

ls /vnc_api_server_obj_create/<proj_uuid>