Deploying OpenSDN Operator




In order to sucessfully deploy OpenSDN Operator into Kubernetes cluster you will need:

  • kubectl

  • jinja2 (if generating manifests from templates)

  • Kubernetes cluster


Before deploying OpenSDN to the Kubernetes cluster, check whether master nodes have labeled "". Usually, nodes are labeled automatically on cluster installation, but in some environments, this label may be missing. Currently, control plane components of OpenSDN use node selector, which allows to deploy it only on master nodes.

Preparing Manifests

Deployment of OpenSDN Operator requires two sets of kustomize manifests - one of them deploys Kubernetes Operator, which provides a control for custom resources in the cluster and another one provides configuration of desired OpenSDN infrastructure

Manifests may be created manually, but it is recommended to generate them using jinja2 CLI tool from templates provided in the code repository. Templates accept input data, which allows adjusting final manifests with custom configuration.

Configuration Input Data

Variable name




Tag of container images

latest, R2011


Container registry where OpenSDN images are stored.



Number of OpenSDN controllers working in HA mode. Should not be greater than number of nodes in cluster.



List of nodes where OpenSDN controller should run. It is ignored when CONTRAIL_REPLICAS is provided.

node1, node2, node3


Tag for operator container image. Use it when using different tag for operator than other OpenSDN containers. If not specified the same tag as CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG will be used

latest, R2011


Container registry to download from operator container image. Use it when container registry is different from other container images of OpenSDN. If not specified the sam registry as CONTAINER_REGISTRY will be used


Jinja2 API accepts multiple formats of input data (ini, env, yaml etc.). Prepare configuration file in chosen format and render templates providing configuration file. There are multiple jinja2 CLI wrappers that allow rendering templates from terminal. For example using this Python based tool which may be installed from PyPI with pip.

Applying Manifests

Assuming that a Kubernetes cluster is up and running, apply manifests.

First, using kubectl apply -f ./deploy/crds/ apply CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions) to the cluster. This step create new custom OpenSDN resources in Kubernetes API and allow to recongise them when applying to the cluster.

With kubectl wait crds --for=condition=Established --timeout=2m ensure that all CRDs are properly applied and ready to be used.

Afterward, create a new Kubernetes Operator in the cluster applying kustomize manifests with kubectl apply -k ./deploy/kustomize/operator/templates/. This command will create a deployment with pods that run operator code and control behaviour of OpenSDN custom resources applied in the cluster.

Finally, deploy OpenSDN into Kubernetes infrastructure with kubectl apply -k ./deploy/kustomize/contrail/templates/. To ensure that OpenSDN is up and running check pods state in namespace contrail. All pods should be either in Running or Completed state.