vRouter Command Line Utilities




vRouter is the component that takes packets from VMs and forwards them to their destinations. In this effort, vRouter depends on the vRouter agent to make sense of the overall topology, understand the various policies that govern the communication between VMs, and program them in vRouter in a way vRouter understands.

vRouter has a few fundamental data structures that abstracts out the various communication paths. There is “interface,” “flow,” “route,” and “nexthop” that enables vRouter to push packets to their eventual destinations. In addition, vRouter also has good statistics that can help understand and debug packet paths. Various command line utilities provided by the vRouter can be used to display these data structures and better understand the behavior that one sees in a compute node.

This section describes the shell prompt utilities available for examining the state of the vRouter kernel module in OpenSDN.

The most useful commands for inspecting the OpenSDN vRouter module are summarized in the following table.




Inspect vRouter interfaces associated with the vRouter module.


Display active flows in a system.


Display next hop statistics for a particular VRF.


Display routes in a VRF.


Inspect packet drop counters in the vRouter.


Display the input label map programmed into the vRouter.


Display the mirror table entries.


Display the VXLAN table entries.


Display the next hops that the vRouter knows.


Display all command options available for the current command.


Displays internal data structure details of a DPDK enabled vRouter.


Use this command to add or delete a DDP profile.

The following sections describe each of the vRouter utilities in detail.

vif Command

The vRouter requires vRouter interfaces (vif) to forward traffic. Use the vif command to see the interfaces that are known by the vRouter.


Having interfaces only in the OS (Linux) is not sufficient for forwarding. The relevant interfaces must be added to vRouter. Typically, the set up of interfaces is handled by components like nova-compute or vRouter agent.

The vif command can be used to see the interfaces that the vRouter is aware of by including the --list option.

Example: vif –list

bash$ vif --list
Vrouter Interface Table

Flags: P=Policy, X=Cross Connect, S=Service Chain, Mr=Receive Mirror
       Mt=Transmit Mirror, Tc=Transmit Checksum Offload, L3=Layer 3, L2=Layer 2
       D=DHCP, Vp=Vhost Physical, Pr=Promiscuous, Vnt=Native Vlan Tagged
       Mnp=No MAC Proxy

vif0/0      OS: eth0 (Speed 1000, Duplex 1)
            Type:Physical HWaddr:00:25:90:c3:08:68 IPaddr:0
            Vrf:0 Flags:L3L2Vp MTU:1514 Ref:22
            RX packets:2664341  bytes:702708970 errors:0
            TX packets:1141456  bytes:234609942 errors:0

vif0/1      OS: vhost0
            Type:Host HWaddr:00:25:90:c3:08:68 IPaddr:0
            Vrf:0 Flags:L3L2 MTU:1514 Ref:3
            RX packets:716612  bytes:155442906 errors:0
            TX packets:2248399  bytes:552491888 errors:0

vif0/2      OS: pkt0
            Type:Agent HWaddr:00:00:5e:00:01:00 IPaddr:0
            Vrf:65535 Flags:L3 MTU:1514 Ref:2
            RX packets:450524  bytes:94618532 errors:0
            TX packets:437968  bytes:66753290 errors:0

vif0/3      OS: tap519615d8-a2
            Type:Virtual HWaddr:00:00:5e:00:01:00 IPaddr:0
            Vrf:1 Flags:PL3L2 MTU:9160 Ref:6
            RX packets:134  bytes:15697 errors:0
            TX packets:8568  bytes:945944 errors:0

Table 1: vif Fields



vif Output Field



The vRouter assigned name, where 0 is the router ID and X is the index allocated to the interface within the vRouter.

OS: pkt0

The pkt0 (in this case) is the name of the actual OS (Linux) visible interface name. For physical interfaces, the speed and the duplex settings are also displayed.


Type:Virtual HWaddr:00:00:5e:00:01:00 IPaddr:0

The type of interface and its IP address, as defined by vRouter. The values can be different from what is seen in the OS. Types defined by vRouter include:

  • Virtual – Interface of a virtual machine (VM).

  • Physical – Physical interface (NIC) in the system.

  • Host – An interface toward the host.

  • Agent – An interface used to trap packets to the vRouter agent when decisions need to be made for the forwarding path.


Vrf:65535 Flags:L3 MTU:1514 Ref:2

The identifier of the vrf to which the interface is assigned, the flags set on the interface, the MTU as understood by vRouter, and a reference count of how many individual entities actually hold reference to the interface (mainly of debugging value).

Flag options identify that the following are enabled for the interface:

  • P - ​Policy. All traffic that comes to vRouter from this interface are subjected to policy.

  • L3 - ​Layer 3 forwarding.

  • L2 - ​Layer 2 bridging.

  • X - Cross connect mode, only set on physical and host interfaces, indicating that packets are moved between physical and host directly, with minimal intervention by vRouter. Typically set when the agent is not alive or not in good shape.

  • M - Mirroring transmit direction. All packets that egresses this interface are mirrored.

  • Mr - Mirroring receive direction​. All packets that ingresses this interface will be mirrored.

  • Tc - ​Checksum offload on the transmit side. Valid only on the physical interface.


RX packets:60 bytes:4873 errors:0

Packets received by vRouter from this interface.


TX packets:21 bytes:2158 errors:0

Packets transmitted out by vRouter on this interface.

vif Options

Usevif –-help to display all options available for the vif command. Following is a brief description of each option.


It is not recommended to use the following options unless you are very experienced with the system utilities.

# vif --help
Usage: vif [--create <intf_name> --mac < --mac  <C>]
           [--add <C>> --mac <mac> --vrf <vrf>
                 --type [vhost|agent|physical|virtual|monitoring]
                 --transport [eth|pmd|virtual|socket]
                 --xconnect <physical interface name>
                 --policy, --vhost-phys, --dhcp-enable]
                 --vif <vif ID> --id <intf_id> --pmd --pci]
           [--delete <intf_id>|<intf_name>]
           [--get <intf_id>][--kernel]
           [--set <intf_id> --vlan <vlan_id> --vrf <vrf_id>]
           [--list][--core <core number>][--rate]
           [--sock-dir <sock dir>]
           [--clear][--id <intf_id>][--core <core_number>]




Creates a “host” interface with name <intf_name>and mac <mac>on the host kernel. The vhost0 interface that you see on Linux is a typical example of invocation of this command.


Adds the existing interfaces in the host OS to vRouter, with type and flag options.


Deletes the interface from vRouter. The <intf_id> i is the vRouter interface ID as given by vif0/X, where X is the ID. So, in vif0/1, 1 is the interface index of that vif inside the vRouter module.


Displays a specific interface. The <intf_id>is the vRouter interface ID, unless the command is appended by the —kernel option, in which case the ID is the kernel ID.


Set working parameters of an interface. The ones supported are the vlan id and the vrf. The vlan id as understood by vRouter differs from what one typically expects and is relevant for interfaces of service instances.


Display all of the interfaces of which the vRouter is aware.


Display all options available for the current command.


Clears statistics for all interfaces on all cores. For more information, see clear Command

clear Command

OpenSDN Release 2008 supports clearing of vif statistics counters for all interfaces by using the --clear command. Table 2: clear Command Options




Clears statistics for all interfaces on all cores.

--clear --id <vif-id>

Clears statistics for a specific interface.

--clear --core <core-id>

Clears statistics on a specific core for all interfaces.

--clear --id <vif-id> --core <core-id>

Clears statistics for a specific interface on a specific core.

flow Command

Use the flow command to display all active flows in a system.

Example: flow -l

Use -lto list everything in the flow table. The -1 is the only relevant debugging option.

  # flow –l
Flow table
   Index        Source:Port                   Destination:Port   Proto(V)
 263484          1 (3)
                    (Action:F, S(nh):91,  Statistics:22/1848)
     379480          1 (3)
                    (Action:F, S(nh):75,  Statistics:22/1848)

​Each record in the flow table listing displays the index of the record, the source IP: source port, the destination ip: destination port, the inet protocol, and the source VRF (V) to which the flow belongs.

Each new flow has to be approved by the vRouter agent. The agent does this by setting actions for each flow. There are three main actions associated with a flow table entry: Forward (‘F’), Drop (‘D’), and Nat (‘N’).

For NAT, there are additional flags indicating the type of NAT to which the flow is subject, including: SNAT (S), DNAT (D), source port translation (Ps), and destination port translation (Pd).

S(nh) indicates the source nexthop index used for the RPF check to validate that the traffic is from a known source. If the packet must go to an ECMP destination, E:X is also displayed, where ‘X’ indicates the destination to be used through the index within the ECMP next hop.

The Statistics field indicates the Packets/Bytes that hit this flow entry.

There is a Mirror Index field if the traffic is mirrored, listing the indices into the mirror table (which can be dumped by using mirror –-dump).

If there is an explicit association between the forward and the reverse flows, as is the case with NAT, you will see a double arrow in each of the records with either side of the arrow displaying the flow index for that direction.

Example: flow -r

Use -r to view all of the flow setup rates.

# flow –r
New =    2, Flow setup rate =    3 flows/sec, Flow rate =    3 flows/sec, for last  548 ms
New =    2, Flow setup rate =    3 flows/sec, Flow rate =    3 flows/sec, for last  543 ms
New =   -2, Flow setup rate =   -3 flows/sec, Flow rate =   -3 flows/sec, for last  541 ms
New =    2, Flow setup rate =    3 flows/sec, Flow rate =    3 flows/sec, for last  544 ms
New =   -2, Flow setup rate =   -3 flows/sec, Flow rate =   -3 flows/sec, for last  542 ms

Example: flow –help

Use --help to display all options available for the flow command.

# flow –-help
Usage:flow [-f flow_index][-d flow_index][-i flow_index]
                        [--mirror=mirror table index]
   -f <flow_index>    Set forward action for flow at flow_index <flow_index>
  -d <flow_index> Set drop action for flow at flow_index <flow_index>
  -i <flow_index>     Invalidate flow at flow_index <flow_index>
  --mirror                  mirror index to mirror to
  -l                            List  all flows
  -r                            Start dumping flow setup rate
  --help                    Print this help

vrfstats Command

Use vrfstats to display statistics per next hop for a vrf. It is typically used to determine if packets are hitting the expected next hop.

Example: vrfstats –dump

The —dump option displays the statistics for all VRFs that have seen traffic. In the following example, there was traffic only in Vrf 0(the public VRF). Receives shows the number of packets that came in the fabric destined to this location. Encaps shows the number of packets destined to the fabric.

If there is VM traffic going out on the fabric, the respective tunnel counters will increment. ​

# vrfstats --dump
 Vrf: 0
 Discards 414, Resolves 3, Receives 165334
 Ecmp Composites 0, L3 Mcast Composites 0, L2 Mcast Composites 0, Fabric Composites 0, Multi Proto Composites 0
 Udp Tunnels 0, Udp Mpls Tunnels 0, Gre Mpls Tunnels 0
 L2 Encaps 0, Encaps 130955

Example: vrfstats –get 0​

Use --get 0 to retrieve statistics for a particular vrf.

# vrfstats --get 0
 Vrf: 0
 Discards 418, Resolves 3, Receives 166929
 Ecmp Composites 0, L3 Mcast Composites 0, L2 Mcast Composites 0, Fabric Composites 0, Multi Proto Composites 0
 Udp Tunnels 0, Udp Mpls Tunnels 0, Gre Mpls Tunnels 0
 L2 Encaps 0, Encaps 132179

​Example: ​vrfstats –help

Usage: vrfstats --get <vrf>

--get <vrf>           Displays packet statistics for the vrf <vrf>

--dump          Displays packet statistics for all vrfs

--help              Displays this help message

rt Command

Use the rt command to display all routes in a VRF.

Example: rt –dump

The following example displays inet family routes for vrf 0.

# rt --dump 0

Kernel IP routing table 0/0/unicast

Destination             PPL        Flags        Label        Nexthop                0                        -              5                0                        -              5                0                        -              5                0                        -              5                0                        -              5                0                        -              5

In this example output, the first line displays the routing table that is being dumped. In 0/0/unicast, the first 0 is for the router ID, the next 0 is for the VRF ID, and unicast identifies the unicast table. The vRouter maintains separate tables for unicast and multicast routes. ​ By default, if the —tableoption is not specified, only the unicast table is dumped.

Each record in the table output specifies the destination prefix length, the parent route prefix length from which this route has been expanded, the flags for the route, the MPLS label if the destination is a VM in another location, and the next hop ID. To understand the second field “PPL”, it is good to keep in mind that the unicast routing table is internally implemented as an ‘mtrie’.

The Flags field can have two values. L indicates that the label field is valid, and H indicates that vroute should proxy arp for this IP.

The Nexthop field indicates the next hop ID to which the route points.

Example: rt –dump –table mcst

To dump the multicast table, use the —table option with mcst as the argument.

# rt --dump 0 --table mcst

Kernel IP routing table 0/0/multicast

(Src,Group)                                  Nexthop,

dropstats Command

Use the dropstats command to see packet drop counters in vRouter. Use the dropstats –debug command to view the Cloned Original counters.

Example: dropstats

(vrouter-agent-dpdk)[root@nodec56 /]$ dropstats
Invalid IF                    0
Trap No IF                    0
IF TX Discard                 0
IF Drop                       0
IF RX Discard                 0

Flow Unusable                 0
Flow No Memory                0
Flow Table Full               0
Flow NAT no rflow             0
Flow Action Drop              0
Flow Action Invalid           0
Flow Invalid Protocol         0
Flow Queue Limit Exceeded     0
New Flow Drops                0
Flow Unusable (Eviction)      0

Original Packet Trapped       0

Discards                      0
TTL Exceeded                  0
Mcast Clone Fail              0

Invalid NH                    2
Invalid Label                 0
Invalid Protocol              0
Etree Leaf to Leaf            0
Bmac/ISID Mismatch            0
Rewrite Fail                  0
Invalid Mcast Source          0
Packet Loop                   0

Push Fails                    0
Pull Fails                    0
Duplicated                    0
Head Alloc Fails              0
PCOW fails                    0
Invalid Packets               0

Misc                          0
Nowhere to go                 0
Checksum errors               0
No Fmd                        0
Invalid VNID                  0
Fragment errors               0
Invalid Source                0
Jumbo Mcast Pkt with DF Bit   0
No L2 Route                   0
Memory Failures               0
Fragment Queueing Failures    0
No Encrypt Path Failures      0
Invalid HBS received packet   0

VLAN fwd intf failed TX       0
VLAN fwd intf failed enq      0

(vrouter-agent-dpdk)[root@nodec56 /]$ dropstats --debug
Cloned Original               0


Cloned Original drops are still included in the Drops section in the output of the vif –list command.

dropstats ARP Block

GARP packets from VMs are dropped by vRouter, an expected behavior. In the example output, the first counter GARP indicates how many packets were dropped.

ARP requests that are not handled by vRouter are dropped, for example, requests for a system that is not a host. These drops are counted byARP notmecounters.

The Invalid ARPs counter is incremented when the Ethernet protocol is ARP, but the ARP operation was neither a request nor a response.

dropstats Interface Block

Invalid IF counters are incremented normally during transient conditions, and should not be a concern.

Trap No IF counters are incremented when vRouter is not able to find the interface to trap the packets to vRouter agent, and should not happen in a working system.

IF TX Discard and IF RX Discard counters are incremented when vRouter is not in a state to transmit and receive packets, and typically happens when vRouter goes through a reset state or when the module is unloaded.

IF Dropcounters indicate packets that are dropped in the interface layer. The increase can typically happen when interface settings are wrong.

dropstats Flow Block

When packets go through flow processing, the first packet in a flow is cached and the vRouter agent is notified so it can take actions on the packet according to the policies configured. If more packets arrive after the first packet but before the agent makes a decision on the first packet, then those new packets are dropped. The dropped packets are tracked by the Flow unusable counter.

The Flow No Memory counter increments when the flow block doesn’t have enough memory to perform internal operations.

The Flow Table Full counter increments when the vRouter cannot install a new flow due to lack of available slots. A particular flow can only go in certain slots, and if all those slots are occupied, packets are dropped. It is possible that the flow table is not full, but the counter might increment.

The Flow NAT no rflow counter tracks packets that are dropped when there is no reverse flow associated with a forward flow that had action set as NAT. For NAT, the vRouter needs both forward and reverse flows to be set properly. If they are not set, packets are dropped.

The Flow Action Drop counter tracks packets that are dropped due to policies that prohibit a flow.

The Flow Action Invalid counter usually does not increment in the normal course of time, and can be ignored.

The Flow Invalid Protocol usually does not increment in the normal course of time, and can be ignored.

The Flow Queue Limit Exceeded usually does not increment in the normal course of time, and can be ignored.

dropstats Miscellaneous Operational Block

The Discard counter tracks packets that hit a discard next hop. For various reasons interpreted by the agent and during some transient conditions, a route can point to a discard next hop. When packets hit that route, they are dropped.

The TTL Exceeded counter increments when the MPLS time-to-live goes to zero.

The Mcast Clone Fail happens when the vRouter is not able to replicate a packet for flooding.

The Cloned Originalis an internal tracking counter. It is harmless and can be ignored.

The Invalid NHcounter tracks the number of packets that hit a next hop that was not in a state to be used (usually in transient conditions) or a next hop that was not expected, or no next hops when there was a next hop expected. Such increments happen rarely, and should not continuously increment.

The Invalid Labelcounter tracks packets with an MPLS label unusable by vRouter because the value is not in the expected range.

The Invalid Protocol​typically increments when the IP header is corrupt.

The Rewrite Failcounter tracks the number of times vRouter was not able to write next hop rewrite data to the packet.

The Invalid Mcast Source tracks the multicast packets that came from an unknown or unexpected source and thus were dropped.

The Duplicated counter tracks the number of duplicate packets that are created after dropping the original packets. An original packet is duplicated when generic send offload (GSO) is enabled in the vRouter or the original packet is unable to include the header information of the vRouter agent.

The Invalid Sourcecounter tracks the number of packets that came from an invalid or unexpected source and thus were dropped.

The remaining counters are of value only to developers.

mpls Command

The mpls utility command displays the input label map that has been programmed in the vRouter.

Example: mpls –dump

The —dump command dumps the complete label map. The output is divided into two columns. The first field is the label and the second is the next hop corresponding to the label. When an MPLS packet with the specified label arrives in the vRouter, it uses the next hop corresponding to the label to forward the packet.

# mpls –dump

MPLS Input Label Map
   Label    NextHop


    16          9

    17          11

You can inspect the operation on nh 9as follows:

# nh --get 9

Id:009  Type:Encap     Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, Policy,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:4

        EncapFmly:0806 Oif:3 Len:14 Data:02 d0 60 aa 50 57 00 25 90 c3 08 69 08 00

The nh output shows that the next hop directs the packet to go out on the interface with index 3 (Oif:3) with the given rewrite data.

To check the index of 3, use the following:

# vif –get 3

vif0/3  OS: tapd060aa50-57

        Type:Virtual HWaddr:00:00:5e:00:01:00 IPaddr:0

        Vrf:1 Flags:PL3L2 MTU:9160 Ref:6

        RX packets:1056  bytes:103471 errors:0

        TX packets:1041  bytes:102372 errors:0

The-get 3 output shows that the index of 3 corresponds to a tap interface that goes to a VM.

You can also dump individual entries in the map using the —get option, as follows:

# mpls –get 16

MPLS Input Label Map
   Label    NextHop


     16         9

Example: mpls -help

# mpls –help

Usage: mpls --dump

           mpls --get <label>

           mpls --help

--dump  Dumps the mpls incoming label map

--get       Dumps the entry corresponding to label <label>
              in the label map

--help     Prints this help message

mirror Command

Use the mirror command to dump the mirror table entries.

Example: Inspect Mirroring

The following example inspects a mirror configuration where traffic is mirrored from networkvn1 ( network vn2 ( A ping is run from to, where both IPs are valid VM IPs, then the flow table is listed:

# flow -l

Flow table

Index              Source:Port        Destination:Port    Proto(V)


135024               1 (1)

                 (Action:F, S(nh):17,  Statistics:208/17472 Mirror Index : 0)
387324               1 (1)

                  (Action:F, S(nh):8,  Statistics:208/17472 Mirror Index : 0)

In the example output, Mirror Index:0 is listed, it is the index to the mirror table. The mirror table can be dumped with the—dump option, as follows:

# mirror --dump

Mirror Table

Index    NextHop    Flags    References


   0            18                     3

The mirror table entries point to next hops. In the example, the index 0 points to next hop 18. The References indicate the number of flow entries that point to this entry.

A next hop get operation on ID 18 is performed as follows:

# nh --get 18

Id:018  Type:Tunnel    Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, Udp,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:2

        Oif:0 Len:14 Flags Valid, Udp,  Data:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 90 c3 08 69 08 00

        Vrf:-1  Sip:  Dip:

        Sport:58818 Dport:8099

The nh --get output shows that mirrored packets go to a system with IP The packets are tunneled as a UDP datagram and sent to the destination. Vrf:-1 indicates that a lookup has to be done in the source Vrf for the destination.

You can also get an individual mirror table entry using the —get option, as follows:

# mirror --get 10

Mirror Table

Index    NextHop    Flags    References


 10         1                           1

Example: mirror –help

# mirror --help

Usage:  mirror --dump

        mirror --get <index>

        mirror --help

--dump  Dumps the mirror table

--get       Dumps the mirror entry corresponding to index <index>

--help     Prints this help message

vxlan Command

The vxlan command can be used to dump the VXLAN table. The vxlan table maps a network ID to a next hop, similar to an MPLS table.

If a packet comes with a VXLAN header and if the VNID is one of those in the table, the vRouter will use the next hop identified to forward the packet.

Example: vxlan –dump​

# vxlan --dump


VNID    NextHop


  4         16

  5         16

Example: vxlan –get

You can use the —get option to dump a specific entry, as follows:

# vxlan --get 4


 VNID    NextHop


  4         16

Example: vxlan –help

# vxlan --help

Usage:  vxlan --dump

        vxlan --get <vnid>

        vxlan --help

--dump  Dumps the vxlan table

--get   Dumps the entry corresponding to <vnid>

--help  Prints this help message

nh Command

The nh command enables you to inspect the next hops that are known by the vRouter. Next hops tell the vRouter the next location to send a packet in the path to its final destination. The processing of the packet differs based on the type of the next hop. The next hop types are described in the following table.

Next Hop Type



Indicates that the packet is destined for itself and the vRouter should perform Layer 4 protocol processing. As an example, all packets destined to the host IP will hit the receive next hop in the default VRF. Similarly, all traffic destined to the VMs hosted by the server and tunneled inside a GRE will hit the receive next hop in the default VRF first, because the outer packet that carries the traffic to the VM is that of the server.

Encap (Interface)

Used only to determine the outgoing interface and the Layer 2 information. As an example, when two VMs on the same server communicate with each other, the routes for each of them point to an encap next hop, because the only information needed is the Layer 2 information to send the packet to the tap interface of the destination VM. A packet destined to a VM hosted on one server from a VM on a different server will also hit an encap next hop, after tunnel processing.


Encapsulates VM traffic in a tunnel and sends it to the server that hosts the destination VM. There are different types of tunnel next hops, based on the type of tunnels used. vRouter supports two main tunnel types for Layer 3 traffic: MPLSoGRE and MPLSoUDP. For Layer 2 traffic, a VXLAN tunnel is used. A typical tunnel next hop indicates the kind of tunnel, the rewrite information, the outgoing interface, and the source and destination server IPs.


A catch-all next hop. If there is no route for a destination, the packet hits the discard next hop, which drops the packet.


Used by the agent to lazy install Layer 2 rewrite information.


Groups a set of next hops, called component next hops or sub next hops. Typically used when multi-destination distribution is needed, for example for multicast, ECMP, and so on.


A VXLAN tunnel is used for Layer 2 traffic. A typical tunnel next hop indicates the kind of tunnel, the rewrite information, the outgoing interface, and the source and destination server IPs.

Example: nh –list

Id:000  Type:Drop      Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:1781

Id:001  Type:Resolve   Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:244

Id:004  Type:Receive  Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, Policy,   Rid:0

               Ref_cnt:2 Oif:1

Id:007  Type:Encap     Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, Multicast,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:3

        EncapFmly:0806 Oif:3 Len:14 Data:ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 25 90 c4 82 2c 08 00

Id:010  Type:Encap     Fmly:AF_BRIDGE  Flags:Valid, L2,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:3

        EncapFmly:0000 Oif:3 Len:0 Data:

Id:012  Type:Vxlan Vrf  Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:2


Id:013  Type:Composite  Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, Fabric,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:3

        Sub NH(label): 19(1027)

Id:014  Type:Composite  Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, Multicast, L3,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:3

        Sub NH(label): 13(0) 7(0)

Id:015  Type:Composite  Fmly:AF_BRIDGE  Flags:Valid, Multicast, L2,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:3

        Sub NH(label): 13(0) 10(0)

Id:016  Type:Tunnel    Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, MPLSoGRE,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:1

        Oif:2 Len:14 Flags Valid, MPLSoGRE,  Data:00 25 90 aa 09 a6 00 25 90 c4 82 2c 08 00

        Vrf:0  Sip:  Dip:

Id:019  Type:Tunnel    Fmly: AF_INET  Flags:Valid, MPLSoUDP,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:7

        Oif:2 Len:14 Flags Valid, MPLSoUDP,  Data:00 25 90 aa 09 a6 00 25 90 c4 82 2c 08 00

        Vrf:0  Sip:  Dip:

Id:020  Type:Composite  Fmly:AF_UNSPEC  Flags:Valid, Multi Proto,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:2

        Sub NH(label): 14(0) 15(0)

Example: nh –get

Use the--getoption to display information for a single next hop.

# nh –get 9

Id:009  Type:Encap     Fmly:AF_BRIDGE  Flags:Valid, L2,   Rid:0  Ref_cnt:4

        EncapFmly:0000 Oif:3 Len:0 Data:

Example: nh –help

# nh –help

Usage: nh --list

       nh --get <nh_id>

       nh --help

--list  Lists All Nexthops

--get   <nh_id> Displays nexthop corresponding to <nh_id>

--help  Displays this help message

dpdkinfo Command

In OpenSDN Release 2008, the dpdkinfo command enables you to see the details of the internal data structures of a DPDK enabled vRouter.

dpdkinfo Options

Usedpdkinfo –-help to display all options available for the dpdkinfo command. The dpdkinfo command options are described in the following table:




Displays the bond interface information for primary and backup devices in a bond interface.

--lacp all

Displays the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) configuration for Slow and Fast LACP timers along with port details of actor and partner interfaces in a LACP exchange.

--mempool all

Displays summary of used and available memory buffers from all memory pools.

--mempool <mempool_name>

Displays information about the specified memory pool.

--stats eth

Displays NIC statistics information for the packets received (Rx) and transmitted (Tx) by the vRouter.

--xstats all

Displays extended NIC statistics information from NIC cards.


Displays extended NIC information of the primary and backup devices for the given interface-id ( Primary->0, Slave_0->1, Slave_1 ->2 ).


Displays the Rx queue mapped interfaces along with Queue ID.


Displays the overall application information like actual physical interface name, number of cores, VLAN, queues, and so on.

dpdkinfo –ddp list

Displays the list of DDP profiles added in the vRouter.

Example: dpdkinfo –bond

The dpdkinfo –bond displays the following information for primary and backup devices: actor/partner status, actor/partner key, actor/partner system priority, actor/partner MAC address, actor/partner port priority, actor/partner port number, and so on.

dpdkinfo --bond
No. of bond slaves: 2
Bonding Mode: 802.3AD Dynamic Link Aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: Layer 3+4 (IP Addresses + UDP Ports) transmit load balancing
MII status: UP
MII Link Speed: 1000 Mbps
MII Polling Interval (ms): 10
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0
Driver: net_bonding

802.3ad info :
LACP Rate: slow
Aggregator selection policy (ad_select): Stable
System priority: 32512
System MAC address:00:50:00:00:00:00
Active Aggregator Info:
        Aggregator ID: 0
        Number of ports: 2
        Actor Key: 4096
        Partner Key: 0
        Partner Mac Address: 00:00:80:7a:9b:05

Slave Interface(0): 0000:02:00.0
Slave Interface Driver: net_ixgbe
MII status: DOWN
MII Link Speed: 0 Mbps
Permanent HW addr:00:aa:7b:93:00:00
Aggregator ID: 13215
Duplex: half
Bond MAC addr:ac:1f:6b:a5:0f:de
Details actor lacp pdu:
        system priority: 0
        system mac address:00:aa:7b:93:00:00
        port key: 0
        port priority: 0
        port number: 63368
        port state: 0 ()

Details partner lacp pdu:
        system priority: 15743
        system mac address:00:00:80:01:9c:05
        port key: 0
        port priority: 0
        port number: 28836
        port state: 117 (ACT AGG COL DIST DEF )

Slave Interface(1): 0000:02:00.1
Slave Interface Driver: net_ixgbe
MII status: UP
MII Link Speed: 1000 Mbps
Permanent HW addr:ac:1f:6b:a5:0f:df
Aggregator ID: 1
Duplex: full
Bond MAC addr:ac:1f:6b:a5:0f:df
Details actor lacp pdu:
        system priority: 65535
        system mac address:ac:1f:6b:a5:0f:df
        port key: 17
        port priority: 255
        port number: 2
        port state: 61 (ACT AGG SYNC COL DIST )

Details partner lacp pdu:
        system priority: 127
        system mac address:ec:3e:f7:5f:f0:40
        port key: 3
        port priority: 127
        port number: 10
        port state: 63 (ACT TIMEOUT AGG SYNC COL DIST )

Example: dpdkinfo –lacp all

The dpdkinfo –lacp all command displays the following information for primary devices: LACP rate and LACP configuration details, which include Fast periodic (ms), Slow periodic (ms), Short timeout (ms), Long timeout (ms), LACP packet statistics for Tx and Rx counters, and so on. Also, dpdkinfo –lacp all displays actor and partner port status details of all the backup devices.

dpdkinfo --lacp all
LACP Rate: fast

Fast periodic (ms): 900
Slow periodic (ms): 29000
Short timeout (ms): 3000
Long timeout (ms): 90000
Aggregate wait timeout (ms): 2000
Tx period (ms): 500
Update timeout (ms): 100
Rx marker period (ms): 2000

Slave Interface(0): 0000:04:00.0
Details actor lacp pdu:
       port state: 63 (ACT TIMEOUT AGG SYNC COL DIST )

Details partner lacp pdu:
       port state: 61 (ACT AGG SYNC COL DIST )

Slave Interface(1): 0000:04:00.1
Details actor lacp pdu:
       port state: 63 (ACT TIMEOUT AGG SYNC COL DIST )

Details partner lacp pdu:
       port state: 61 (ACT AGG SYNC COL DIST )

LACP Packet Statistics:
              Tx     Rx
0000:04:00.0  6      28
0000:04:00.1  7      30

Example: dpdkinfo –mempool all and dpdk –mempool <mempool-name>

The dpdkinfo –mempool all displays a summary of the memory pool information of the primary and backup devices, which include number of available memory pools, size of the memory pool, and so on.

The dpdk –mempool <mempool-name> displays detailed information of the memory pool you have specified in the command.

dpdkinfo --mempool all

Name                 Size       Used     Available
rss_mempool          16384       620       15765
frag_direct_mempool   4096        0         4096
frag_indirect_mempool 4096        0         4096
slave_port0_pool      8193        0         8193
packet_mbuf_pool      8192        4         8188
slave_port1_pool      8193       125        8068

 dpdkinfo --mempool rss_mempool
flags = 10
nb_mem_chunks = 77
size = 16384
populated_size = 16384
header_size = 64
elt_size = 9648
trailer_size = 80
total_obj_size = 9792
private_data_size = 64
avg bytes/object = 9856.000000
Internal cache infos:

Example: dpdkinfo –stats eth

The dpdkinfo –stats eth command reads Rx and Tx packets statistics from the NIC card and displays the information.

dpdkinfo --stats eth
Master Info:
RX Device Packets:1289, Bytes:148651, Errors:0, Nombufs:0
Dropped RX Packets:0
TX Device Packets:2051, Bytes:237989, Errors:0
Queue Rx: [0]1289
      Tx: [0]2051
      Rx Bytes: [0]148651
      Tx Bytes: [0]234429

Slave Info(0000:02:00.0):
RX Device Packets:0, Bytes:0, Errors:0, Nombufs:0
Dropped RX Packets:0
TX Device Packets:0, Bytes:0, Errors:0
Queue Rx:
      Rx Bytes:
      Tx Bytes:

Slave Info(0000:02:00.1):
RX Device Packets:1289, Bytes:148651, Errors:0, Nombufs:0
Dropped RX Packets:0
TX Device Packets:2051, Bytes:237989, Errors:0
Queue Rx: [0]1289
      Tx: [0]2051
      Rx Bytes: [0]148651
      Tx Bytes: [0]234429

Example: dpdkinfo –xstats

The dpdkinfo –xstats command reads the Rx and Tx from the NIC cards and displays the packet statistics in detail.

dpdkinfo --xstats
Master Info:
Rx Packets:
        rx_good_packets: 1459
        rx_q0packets: 1459
Tx Packets:
        tx_good_packets: 2316
        tx_q0packets: 2316
Rx Bytes:
        rx_good_bytes: 161175
        rx_q0bytes: 161175
Tx Bytes:
        tx_good_bytes: 265755
        tx_q0bytes: 261915

Slave Info(0):0000:02:00.0
Rx Packets:
Tx Packets:
Rx Bytes:
Tx Bytes:
        mac_local_errors: 2

Slave Info(1):0000:02:00.1
Rx Packets:
        rx_good_packets: 1459
        rx_q0packets: 1459
        rx_size_64_packets: 677
        rx_size_65_to_127_packets: 641
        rx_size_128_to_255_packets: 54
        rx_size_256_to_511_packets: 48
        rx_size_512_to_1023_packets: 3
        rx_size_1024_to_max_packets: 36
        rx_broadcast_packets: 3
        rx_multicast_packets: 772
        rx_total_packets: 1461
Tx Packets:
        tx_good_packets: 2316
        tx_q0packets: 2316
        tx_total_packets: 2316
        tx_size_64_packets: 276
        tx_size_65_to_127_packets: 582
        tx_size_128_to_255_packets: 1433
        tx_size_256_to_511_packets: 4
        tx_size_512_to_1023_packets: 3
        tx_size_1024_to_max_packets: 18
        tx_multicast_packets: 1431
        tx_broadcast_packets: 9
Rx Bytes:
        rx_good_bytes: 161175
        rx_q0bytes: 161175
        rx_total_bytes: 161567
Tx Bytes:
        tx_good_bytes: 265755
        tx_q0bytes: 261915
        mac_local_errors: 2
        out_pkts_untagged: 2316

Example: dpdkinfo –lcore

The dpdkinfo –lcore displays Logical core (lcore) information, which includes number of forwarding lcores, the interfaces mapped to the lcore, and queue-ID of the interfaces.

dpdkinfo --lcore
No. of forwarding lcores: 2
No. of interfaces: 4
Lcore 0:
        Interface: bond0.102           Queue ID: 0
        Interface: vhost0              Queue ID: 0

Lcore 1:
        Interface: bond0.102           Queue ID: 1
        Interface: tapd1b53efb-9e      Queue ID: 0

dpdkinfo –app

The dpdkinfo –app command displays the following information:

  • Application related information about number of lcores, the names of the existing​ backup interfaces, and so on.

  • For VLAN configured devices the command displays VLAN​ name, tag, and vlan_vif name.

  • For bond interfaces the command displays ethdev information, which include Max rx queues, Max tx queues, Reta size, Port id, number of ethdev slaves, Tapdev information, and so on.

  • Monitoring interface names (if available) and SR-IOV information, which includes logical core, ethdev port ID, and driver name.

dpdkinfo --app
No. of lcores: 12
No. of forwarding lcores: 2
Fabric interface: bond0.102
Slave interface(0): enp2s0f0
Slave interface(1): enp2s0f1
Vlan name: bond0
Vlan tag: 102
Vlan vif: bond0
Ethdev (Master):
        Max rx queues: 128
        Max tx queues: 64
        Ethdev nb rx queues: 2
        Ethdev nb tx queues: 64
        Ethdev nb rss queues: 2
        Ethdev reta size: 128
        Ethdev port id: 2
        Ethdev nb slaves: 2
        Ethdev slaves: 0 1 0 0 0 0

Ethdev (Slave 0): 0000:02:00.0
        Nb rx queues: 2
        Nb tx queues: 64
        Ethdev reta size: 128

Ethdev (Slave 1): 0000:02:00.1
        Nb rx queues: 2
        Nb tx queues: 64
        Ethdev reta size: 128

        fd: 39 vif name: bond0
        fd: 48 vif name: vhost0

Example: dpdkinfo –ddp list

In OpenSDN Release 2011, you can use the dpdkinfo –ddp list command to display the list of DDP profiles added in the vRouter.

The dpdkinfo –ddp list displays a summary of the DDP profile added in the vRouter. The summary of the profile information includes tracking ID of the profile, version number, and profile name.

(contrail-tools)[root@cs-scale-02 /]$ dpdkinfo --ddp list
Profile count is: 1

Profile 0:
Track id:     0x8000000c
Profile name: L2/L3 over MPLSoGRE/MPLSoUDP

dpdkconf Command

In OpenSDN Release 2011, the dpdkconf command enables you to configure a DPDK enabled vRouter. In release 2011, you can use the dpdkconf command to enable or delete a DDP profile in vRouter.

Example: dpdkconf –ddp add

Use the dpdkconf –ddp add command during runtime to enable a DDP profile in a DPDK enabled vRouter.

(contrail-tools)[root@cs-scale-02 /]$ dpdkconf --ddp add
Programming DDP image mplsogreudp - success

Example: dpdkconf –ddp delete

Use the dpdkconf –ddp delete command to delete a DDP profile, which is already loaded in the vRouter.

(contrail-tools)[root@cs-scale-02 /]$ dpdkconf --ddp delete
vr_dpdk_ddp_del: Removed DDP image mplsogreudp - success
Release History Table




In OpenSDN Release 2011, you can use the dpdkinfo –ddp list command to display the list of DDP profiles added in the vRouter.


In OpenSDN Release 2011, the dpdkconf command enables you to configure a DPDK enabled vRouter. In release 2011, you can use the dpdkconf command to enable or delete a DDP profile in vRouter.


OpenSDN Release 2008 supports clearing of vif statistics counters for all interfaces by using the –clear command.


In OpenSDN Release 2008, the dpdkinfo command enables you to see the details of the internal data structures of a DPDK enabled vRouter.