Installing OpenSDN with Kubernetes by Using Juju Charms¶
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You can deploy OpenSDN using Juju Charms. Juju helps you deploy, configure, and efficiently manage applications on private clouds and public clouds. Juju accesses the cloud with the help of a Juju controller. A Charm is a module containing a collection of scripts and metadata and is used with Juju to deploy OpenSDN.
A Juju Charm helps you deploy Docker containers to the cloud. For more information on containerized OpenSDN, see Understanding OpenSDN Containers. Juju Charms simplifies OpenSDN deployment by providing a simple way to deploy, configure, scale, and manage OpenSDN operations.
Understanding Juju Charms with Kubernetes¶
OpenSDN supports the following charms:
Preparing to Deploy OpenSDN with Kubernetes by Using Juju Charms¶
You can deploy OpenSDN by using Juju bundle.
Follow these steps to prepare for deployment:
Install Juju.
apt install bridge-utils -y apt install snapd -y snap install juju --classic
Configure Juju.
You can add a cloud to Juju, identify clouds supported by Juju, and manage clouds already added to Juju.
Adding a cloud
Juju already has knowledge of the AWS cloud, which means adding your AWS account to Juju is quick and easy.
juju show-cloud --local aws
In versions prior to Juju v.2.6.0 the
command only operates locally. There is no--local
option.You must ensure that Juju’s information is up to date (e.g. new region support). Run the following command to update Juju’s public cloud data:
juju update-public-clouds
Juju recognizes a wide range of cloud types. You can use any one of the following methods to add a cloud credentials to Juju:
Adding a Cloud Credentials by Using Interactive Command
Example: Adding AWS cloud credentials to Juju
juju add-credential aws Enter credential name: jlaurin Using auth-type "access-key". Enter access-key: AKIAIFII5EH5FOCYZJMA Enter secret-key: ****************************** Credential "jlaurin" added locally for cloud "aws".
Adding a Cloud Credentials Manually You can use a YAML configuration file to add AWS cloud credentials. Run the following command:
juju add-credential aws -f <mycreds.yaml>
For details, refer to Juju Adding Credentials from a File.
Identifying a supported cloud
Use the
juju clouds
command to list cloud types that are supported by Juju.$ juju clouds Cloud Regions Default Type Description aws 15 us-east-1 ec2 Amazon Web Services aws-china 1 cn-north-1 ec2 Amazon China aws-gov 1 us-gov-west-1 ec2 Amazon (USA Government) azure 26 centralus azure Microsoft Azure azure-china 2 chinaeast azure Microsoft Azure China cloudsigma 5 hnl cloudsigma CloudSigma Cloud google 13 us-east1 gce Google Cloud Platform joyent 6 eu-ams-1 joyent Joyent Cloud oracle 5 uscom-central-1 oracle Oracle Cloud rackspace 6 dfw rackspace Rackspace Cloud localhost 1 localhost lxd LXD Container Hypervisor
Create a Juju controller.
juju bootstrap --bootstrap-series=xenial <cloud name> <controller name>
A Juju controller manages and keeps track of applications in the Juju cloud environment.
Download the Contrail bundle from JAAS - OpenSDN Kubernetes.
Deploying OpenSDN Charms with Kubernetes¶
Juju Charms simplifies OpenSDN deployment by providing a simple way to deploy, configure, scale, and manage OpenSDN operations.
You can deploy OpenSDN Charms in a bundle or manually.
Deploying OpenSDN Charms in a Bundle¶
Follow these steps to deploy OpenSDN Charms in a bundle.
Deploy OpenSDN Charms.
To deploy OpenSDN Charms in a bundle, use the
juju deploy <bundle_yaml_file>
command. The following example shows you how to use a bundle YAML file to deploy OpenSDN on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.series: "bionic" machines: # kubernetes pods 0: series: "bionic" constraints: mem=8G cores=2 root-disk=60G # kubernetes master 2: series: "bionic" constraints: mem=8G cores=2 root-disk=60G # OpenSDN components 5: series: "bionic" constraints: mem=16G cores=4 root-disk=60G services: # kubernetes easyrsa: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~containers/easyrsa num_units: 1 annotations: gui-x: '1168.1039428710938' gui-y: '-59.11077045466004' to: - lxd:2 etcd: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~containers/etcd annotations: gui-x: '1157.2041015625' gui-y: '719.1614406201691' num_units: 1 options: channel: 3.2/stable to: [2] kubernetes-master: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~containers/kubernetes-master-696 annotations: gui-x: '877.1133422851562' gui-y: '325.6035540382413' expose: true num_units: 1 options: channel: '1.14/stable' service-cidr: '' docker_runtime: 'custom' docker_runtime_repo: 'deb [arch={ARCH}] {CODE} stable' docker_runtime_key_url: '' docker_runtime_package: 'docker-ce' to: [2] kubernetes-worker: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~containers/kubernetes-worker-550 annotations: gui-x: '745.8510131835938' gui-y: '-57.369691124215706' num_units: 1 options: channel: '1.14/stable' docker_runtime: 'custom' docker_runtime_repo: 'deb [arch={ARCH}] {CODE} stable' docker_runtime_key_url: '' docker_runtime_package: 'docker-ce' to: [0] # contrail-kubernetes contrail-kubernetes-master: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~juniper-os-software/contrail-kubernetes-master annotations: gui-x: '586.8027801513672' gui-y: '753.914497641757' options: log-level: 'SYS_DEBUG' service_subnets: '' docker-registry: "opencontrailnightly" image-tag: "master-latest" contrail-kubernetes-node: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~juniper-os-software/contrail-kubernetes-node annotations: gui-x: '429.1971130371094' gui-y: '216.05209087397168' options: log-level: 'SYS_DEBUG' docker-registry: "opencontrailnightly" image-tag: "master-latest" # contrail contrail-agent: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~juniper-os-software/contrail-agent annotations: gui-x: '307.5467224121094' gui-y: '-24.150856522753656' options: log-level: 'SYS_DEBUG' docker-registry: "opencontrailnightly" image-tag: "master-latest" contrail-analytics: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~juniper-os-software/contrail-analytics annotations: gui-x: '15.948270797729492' gui-y: '705.2326686475128' expose: true num_units: 1 options: log-level: 'SYS_DEBUG' docker-registry: "opencontrailnightly" image-tag: "master-latest" to: [5] contrail-analyticsdb: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~juniper-os-software/contrail-analyticsdb annotations: gui-x: '24.427139282226562' gui-y: '283.9550754931123' num_units: 1 options: cassandra-minimum-diskgb: '4' cassandra-jvm-extra-opts: '-Xms1g -Xmx2g' log-level: 'SYS_DEBUG' docker-registry: "opencontrailnightly" image-tag: "master-latest" to: [5] contrail-controller: series: "bionic" charm: cs:~juniper-os-software/contrail-controller annotations: gui-x: '212.01282501220703' gui-y: '480.69961284662793' expose: true num_units: 1 options: auth-mode: 'no-auth' cassandra-minimum-diskgb: '4' cassandra-jvm-extra-opts: '-Xms1g -Xmx2g' log-level: 'SYS_DEBUG' docker-registry: "opencontrailnightly" image-tag: "master-latest" to: [5] # misc ntp: charm: "cs:bionic/ntp" annotations: gui-x: '678.6017761230469' gui-y: '415.27124759750086' relations: - [ kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint, kubernetes-worker:kube-api-endpoint ] - [ kubernetes-master:kube-control, kubernetes-worker:kube-control ] - [ kubernetes-master:certificates, easyrsa:client ] - [ kubernetes-master:etcd, etcd:db ] - [ kubernetes-worker:certificates, easyrsa:client ] - [ etcd:certificates, easyrsa:client ] # contrail - [ kubernetes-master, ntp ] - [ kubernetes-worker, ntp ] - [ contrail-controller, ntp ] - [ contrail-controller, contrail-analytics ] - [ contrail-controller, contrail-analyticsdb ] - [ contrail-analytics, contrail-analyticsdb ] - [ contrail-agent, contrail-controller ] # contrail-kubernetes - [ contrail-kubernetes-node:cni, kubernetes-master:cni ] - [ contrail-kubernetes-node:cni, kubernetes-worker:cni ] - [ contrail-kubernetes-master:contrail-controller, contrail-controller:contrail-controller ] - [ contrail-kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint, kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint ] - [ contrail-agent:juju-info, kubernetes-worker:juju-info ] - [ contrail-agent:juju-info, kubernetes-master:juju-info ] - [ contrail-kubernetes-master:contrail-kubernetes-config, contrail-kubernetes-node:contrail-kubernetes-config ]
You can create or modify the OpenSDN Charm deployment bundle YAML file to:
Point to machines or instances where the OpenSDN Charms must be deployed.
Include the options you need.
Each OpenSDN Charm has a specific set of options. The options you choose depend on the charms you select. For more information on the options that are available, see
file for each charm located at OpenSDN Charms.
(Optional) Check the status of deployment.
You can check the status of the deployment by using the
juju status
command.Enable configuration statements.
Based on your deployment requirements, you can enable the following configuration statements:
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
Deploying Juju Charms with Kubernetes Manually¶
Before you begin deployment, ensure that you have:
Installed and configured Juju
Created a Juju controller
Installed Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04
Follow these steps to deploy Juju Charms with Kubernetes manually:
Create machine instances for Kubernetes master, Kubernetes workers, and OpenSDN.
juju add-machine ssh:<sshusername>@<IP> --constraints mem=8G cores=2 root-disk=32G --series=xenial #for Kubernetes worker machine
juju add-machine ssh:<sshusername>@<IP> --constraints mem=18G cores=2 root-disk=32G --series=xenial #for Kubernetes master machine
juju add-machine ssh:<sshusername>@<IP> --constraints mem=16G cores=4 root-disk=32G --series=xenial #for OpenSDN machine
Deploy the Kubernetes services.
Some of the applications may need an additional configuration.
You can deploy Kubernetes services using any one of the following methods:
By specifying the Kubernetes parameters in a YAML file
By using CLI
By using a combination of YAML-formatted file and CLI
You must use the same docker version for OpenSDN and Kubernetes.
For more details, refer to Juju Application Configuration.
Deploy and configure ntp, easyrsa, etcd, kubernetes-master, kubernetes-worker.
juju deploy cs:xenial/ntp ntp juju deploy cs:~containers/easyrsa easyrsa --to lxd:0 juju deploy cs:~containers/etcd etcd \ --resource etcd=3 \ --resource snapshot=0 juju set etcd channel="3.2/stable" juju deploy cs:~containers/kubernetes-master kubernetes-master \ --resource cdk-addons=0 \ --resource kube-apiserver=0 \ --resource kube-controller-manager=0 \ --resource kube-proxy=0 \ --resource kube-scheduler=0 \ --resource kubectl=0 juju set kubernetes-master channel="1.14/stable" \ enable-dashboard-addons="false" \ enable-metrics="false" \ dns-provider="none" \ docker_runtime="custom" \ docker_runtime_repo="deb [arch={ARCH}] {CODE} stable" \ docker_runtime_key_url="" \ docker_runtime_package="docker-ce" juju deploy cs:~containers/kubernetes-worker kubernetes-worker \ --resource kube-proxy="0" \ --resource kubectl="0" \ --resource kubelet="0" juju set kubernetes-worker channel="1.14/stable" \ ingress="false" \ docker_runtime="custom" \ docker_runtime_repo="deb [arch={ARCH}] {CODE} stable" \ docker_runtime_key_url="" \ docker_runtime_package="docker-ce"
Deploy and configure OpenSDN services.
Deploy contrail-analyticsdb, contrail-analytics, contrail-controller, contrail-kubernetes-master, contrail-kubernetes-node, contrail-agent from the directory where you have downloaded the charms.
You must set the
parameter of the contrail-controller charm to no-auth if OpenSDN is deployed without a keystone.juju deploy contrail-analytics contrail-analytics juju deploy contrail-analyticsdb contrail-analyticsdb juju set contrail-analyticsdb cassandra-minimum-diskgb="4" cassandra-jvm-extra-opts="-Xms1g -Xmx2g" juju deploy contrail-controller contrail-controller juju set contrail-controller cassandra-minimum-diskgb="4" cassandra-jvm-extra-opts="-Xms1g -Xmx2g" auth-mode="no-auth" juju deploy contrail-kubernetes-master contrail-kubernetes-master juju deploy contrail-kubernetes-node contrail-kubernetes-node juju deploy contrail-agent contrail-agent
Enable applications to be available to external traffic:
juju expose kubernetes-master juju expose kubernetes-worker
Enable contrail-controller and contrail-analytics services to be available to external traffic if you do not use HAProxy.
juju expose contrail-controller juju expose contrail-analytics
Apply SSL.
You can apply SSL if needed. To use SSL with OpenSDN services, deploy easy-rsa service and
command to create relations to contrail-controller service and contrail-agent services.juju add-relation easyrsa contrail-controller juju add-relation easyrsa contrail-analytics juju add-relation easyrsa contrail-analyticsdb juju add-relation easyrsa contrail-kubernetes-master juju add-relation easyrsa contrail-agent
Add other necessary relations.
juju add-relation "contrail-controller" "contrail-analytics" juju add-relation "contrail-controller" "contrail-analyticsdb" juju add-relation "contrail-analytics" "contrail-analyticsdb" juju add-relation "contrail-agent" "contrail-controller" juju add-relation "contrail-controller" "ntp" juju add-relation “kubernetes-worker”, “ntp” juju add-relation “kubernetes-master”, “ntp” juju add-relation "kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint" "kubernetes-worker:kube-api-endpoint" juju add-relation "kubernetes-master:kube-control" "kubernetes-worker:kube-control" juju add-relation "kubernetes-master:certificates" "easyrsa:client" juju add-relation "kubernetes-master:etcd" "etcd:db" juju add-relation "kubernetes-worker:certificates" "easyrsa:client" juju add-relation "etcd:certificates" "easyrsa:client" juju add-relation contrail-agent:juju-info, kubernetes-master:juju-info juju add-relation "contrail-kubernetes-node:cni" "kubernetes-master:cni" juju add-relation "contrail-kubernetes-node:cni" "kubernetes-worker:cni" juju add-relation "contrail-kubernetes-master:contrail-controller" "contrail-controller:contrail-controller" juju add-relation "contrail-kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint" "kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint" juju add-relation "contrail-agent:juju-info" "kubernetes-worker:juju-info" juju add-relation "contrail-agent:juju-info" "kubernetes-master:juju-info" juju add-relation "contrail-kubernetes-master:contrail-kubernetes-config" "contrail-kubernetes-node:contrail-kubernetes-config"