Naming convention

Using OpenSDNs full name and abbreviation

Use OpenSDN’ abbreviation when you refer to OpenSDN’ element. For example, use TF component status instead of OpenSDN’ component status.

Use OpenSDN’ abbreviation when you refer to OpenSDN’ implementation, or extension of other producs. For example, use OpenSDN DPDK module instead of OpenSDN’ DPDK module.

Use OpenSDN’ abbreviation when you refer to OpenSDN product name again on the same page. For example, use OpenSDN is a SDN controller. TF consists of various modules instead of OpenSDN is a SDN controller. OpenSDN consists of various modules.

Upper- and lowercase in OpenSDN’ service and modules names

Use uppercase when you refer to a service name. For example, use Compute service, Image service, or Identity service instead of nova, or keystone.

Use uppercase when you refer to a module or component name. Use full OpenSDN name as a preffix. For example, use OpenSDN vRouter instead of vrouter.

Use lowercase when you refer to command-line interface (CLI)

This documentation, is a derivative of Writing style by OpenStack, used under CC BY.