
Sometimes, the documentation build does not look perfect. To improve readability and, therefore, understanding of the content, you can use some visual decorations.

This section contains a number of bells and whistles that are neither conventions nor even recommendations, but extra features of RST markup syntax for general educational purposes.

Adding a horizontal line

You can create a horizontal line to visually separate content elements by typing four - (hyphen) in a row adding blank lines before and after.


Paragraph 1


Paragraph 2


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Starting a new line

Use | (vertical bar) followed by a single white space to start a new line.


| The first line of text.
| The second line of text (new line).
| ...


The first line of text.
The second line of text (new line).

Adding extra space between two content elements

Use | (vertical bar) adding blank lines before and after it to add extra space between two content elements.


Paragraph 1


Paragraph 2


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

This documentation, is a derivative of RST conventions by OpenStack, used under CC BY.